The Onnikka weight management app well-received by patients and medical staff

The Onnikka lifestyle intervention application developed by Oulu-based healthtech company, Onnikka Health, has received positive feedback from the end-users during pilot testing in Central Finland.

Onnikka Health offers a digital solution for better weight management and lifestyle change in a user-friendly and cost-efficient way. The main idea behind the Onnikka app is to take the users from ‘stop to stop’ – initially, two stops in a week – in which patients assess their relationship with food consumption and can also keep track of their eating and exercising habits. Onnikka does not give its users specific instructions for weight loss but rather fosters a long-term change in their thinking. The solution is fully compliant with EU and GDPR security and privacy requirements. It has been designed for the use of healthcare organizations and patients.

The Onnikka lifestyle intervention application has been successfully piloted as part of medical care in the well-being services county of Central Finland. The preliminary results show that patients using the Onnikka application have lost on average about 4% weight after one year with fewer dropouts than with traditional lifestyle interventions. Nursing staff liked the app as well and evaluated it as easy to introduce to patients and not time-consuming.

The preliminary results are based on patients’ assessments of Onnikka by the end of six months. This period is followed by three months of a ´recreational period´ in which it is used every two weeks. The official results of the Onnikka digital trial will be available in the autumn when all patients have been using the Onnikka app for a year and have undergone the same tests as at the start of the pilot project a year ago.

Source: Onnikka Health