Business development

The OuluHealth ecosystem offers health and life science companies from the greater Oulu region a variety of services free of charge to create new business opportunities and boost the health-tech business. Our presence at trade fairs in Finland and abroad, along with our strong media contacts, ensure also your international visibility. Our public materials are available to support your marketing efforts and let the world know about your innovation. In addition, we arrange a wide variety of training and offer participation in the initiatives brought to us by our international cooperation partners.

OuluHealth’s place in the centre of the community makes us a natural matchmaker; we put you in contact with business partners, research partners and we offer access to authentic testing environments to help you develop your health solutions.

Our experts help you find the right support, whether you need research partners, business partners or financing – or simply advice.

Contact us to find out how we can support you in reaching your business development goals.