Research and expertise on successful ageing and well-being available through the GeroNursing Centre  

The GeroNursing Centre (GNC) at the University of Oulu represents the best evidence-based expertise and practices in the field of successful ageing and well-being of health care professionals. The offering includes research, training and networks. The OuluGNC®-online courses are based on scientific knowledge and they are aimed at anyone from social- and healthcare professionals to non-professionals interested in restorative care of older adults. The novelty this year is open and free online courses of restorative care of older adults:  GeroCarer, GeroFit, GeroFriend and GeroSense.

This spring, GNC began significant cooperation in online training with Gubbe, PoPLi (Pohjois-Pohjanmaan Liikunta ja Urheilu ry) and several other educational institutions.

Contact person

Sinikka Lotvonen

Post doctoral researcher, University of Oulu