HealthHub Finland – EDIH, ONGOING

European Digital Innovation Hub (EDIH) is a pan-European partnership of over 150 European Digital Innovation Hubs. It focuses on boosting digital investment and, in particular, the digitalisation of SMEs. There are four EDIHs in Finland;  FAIR, ROBOCOAST, Location Innovation Hub, and HealthHub Finland, in which OuluHealth and the University of Oulu are active participants. 

HealthHub Finland is a one-stop-shop for the development of digital solutions for health and wellbeing, and a gateway to Finnish health and wellbeing data. For SMEs and public sector organisations across the European Union, it offers subsidised or free test-before-invest and innovation services, financing advice, training, and skills development. HealthHub Finland is a national non-profit public-private consortium that brings together experts and resources from Finland’s most prominent health ecosystems in the cities of Turku, Oulu, Tampere, Kuopio and Kajaani and the national Finnish Biobanks – FINBB cooperative.

The initiative is co-funded by the European Commission’s Digital Europe Programme and Business Finland, the Finnish government organization for innovation funding and trade, travel, and investment promotion. 

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