Neurosonic –ten years of vibration for better health

The Oulu-based relaxation technology company, Neurosonic Finland Ltd, has been now active in the health and well-being sector for 10 years. This company comes to your aid if you feel stressed, continuously tired and you wish you could recover more effectively. Neurosonic offers a unique solution, the relaxation and recovery technology, which helps you to improve the quality of your sleep, relax and speed up muscular recovery.

As happy birthday wishes are starting to come from different parts of the world, OuluHealth talks to Simo Pahkamaa, CEO of Neurosonic, about the company’s vision and plans for the future.

Simo Pahkamaa, CEO of Neurosonic

How did the Neurosonic story begin?

Our story started in Lahti when the company was founded by a psychotherapist, Marco Kärkkäinen. He specialized in treating anxiety, pain and sleep disorders and used that information when developing the Neurosonic-technology. Today, we have showrooms and offices in Oulu (our headquarters), Helsinki and Lahti. During those ten years, Neurosonic has grown from one-man company to a company of ten employees.

What is your technology about?

Neurosonic built-in elements transmit low-frequency vibration to the body. As a natural mechanism, this vibration affects the human body calmly via the autonomic nervous system. The Neurosonic technology guides mechanically the human body and mind into a meditation-like state, which reduces stress and prevents stress-related symptoms.

What is the company’s biggest achievement so far?

I think it is our ability to cope with a difficult situation that Covid-19 has caused. While the virus keeps shaking the world, we have increased the number of our employees by taking on three new professionals, two of whom are solely focused on delivering our technology to those fighting with stress as well as sleep and recovery issues.

What are your goals for the nearest future?

So far Neurosonic has been mostly focusing on the domestic market but now our goal is to enter international markets to provide better sleep and faster recovery as well as to reduce stress all over the world. I have had a lot of discussions with international business executives about wellbeing at work. Most of them state that people don’t have the courage to take breaks during their workday because of fears of being seen as lazy. Neurosonic aims to make breaks and even napping at the office socially acceptable.

Thank you and congratulations to Neurosonic on turning 10 years old.

Interview: Joanna Seppänen, Health & Life Science, BusinessOulu
Images: Neurosonic