Gero Nursing Centre’s online courses widely used in training for providers of senior care services

GeroNursing Centre (GNC) offers research and expertise providing research, training, and networks for successful aging and well-being. The centre shares the best evidence-based expertise and practices in the field also by means of a variety of online courses.

The OuluGNC®-online courses are based on scientific knowledge and they are aimed at anyone from social- and healthcare professionals to non-professionals who are interested in restorative care of older adults.  The course tray cuts across the entire senior care system. All courses are available online in the Moodle learning environment and are not place- or time-bound.  During this year the courses for health and social care professionals for all senior care settings (GeroNurse and GeroLeader) have been widely used in Pohde, Soite, and Varha well-being service counties. They supported hundreds of professionals in strengthening their restorative care skills. As a novelty, the GeroNurse hospital and Gero Leader courses were introduced and used by Pohde and Varha. The GeroLeader online course is aimed to promote nurse leaders’ competence in restorative care leadership. Soite well-being service county is continuing the development of their home care services with GNC. GNC is also cooperating with Pohde in the research and development of elderly care professionals’ competence.

Contact person

Sinikka Lotvonen

Post doctoral researcher

GeroNursing Centre, the University of Oulu

Source: GeroNursing Centre