UK Propel Bootcamp program – UK market entry, Leeds

Propel@YH Nordic Boot Camp is a week-long accelerator programme for Nordic-based healthtech companies that want to bring their products to the UK healthcare market. The bootcamp has been developed with Nordic HealthTech firms in mind and will provide you with five days of intensive support, a crash course on the UK healthcare market, new knowledge and engagement with UK healthcare experts.

Time: 29.01 – 02.02.2024
Place: Leeds, UK

Registration is open.

Over a one-week program,  you will receive knowledge and understanding of the NHS and your fit in the value chain, the opportunity to network with KOL’s and potential partners in the US, and an introduction to the health community in the Leeds region.

What you can expect


Learn and understand the UK market, where your solution fits in the value chain and how you can get access. Recieve 1-1 support from our UK partners and build a strong go-to-market plan.


Network with relevant partners and KOL’s from the NHS and broader health tech ecosystem in the Leeds region. Network and exchange knowledge and market insight with fellow healthtech peers across the Nordics.

Introduction of your solution

Introduce your solution to potential UK partners and customers.

Participation fee

The total cost of attendance at the Nordic Bootcamp is GBP 5000 pr company. 50% of this cost is however covered by the Nordic partners funding from Nordic Innovation. Your company must be eligible for de minimis support to receive this.

Hence, there is a participation fee of GBP 2500 pr company (including 2 people), which will be invoiced directly upon acceptance to the bootcamp.

The participation fee covers information and prep sessions before the week in Leeds, attendance at all masterclasses and follow-up sessions 1-1, and lunch plus two networking dinners during your stay. Travel & accommodation are not included.

Read more and register your participation.


Contact person

Therese Oppegaard
Business Development Manager
Norwegian Smart Care Cluster