Reimbursement webinar series – United Kingdom

Join this webinar organized by BusinessFinland to get to know the UK health reimbursement landscape with a focus on digital health solutions. Digital Health Reimbursement if significantly different in the UK compared to other countries.

Time: 7.12.2023, 13:00 – 15:00 (Finnish time)
Place: Microsoft Teams Webinar
Registration: Business Finland Webinar

This webinar will present key factors in the UK approach to paying for digital health solutions, positioned against and contrasted with other developed countries. Examples of reimbursement in the private sector will be identified and explored in the webinar.

This online event is organized by Business Finland in collaboration with Andrew Ruck, Managing Partner and Co-Founder of Sysana, and is reserved for Finnish companies.


13:00–14:00 Presentation by Andrew Ruck, Managing Partner and Co-founder of Synsana

  • Review of key messages from the UK Digital Health Stakeholder Mapping Study
  • Understanding UK’s approach to paying for digital solutions:
    • The UK’s socialised health and care system contrasted with Bismarkian (F, D) and other systems across the world
    • Commissioning
    • Procurement
    • Roles of key organisations and stakeholders in reviewing, approving, and paying for digital solutions
    • Differences between UK countries
  • Compliance:
    • Meeting legal requirements
    • Working with NHS guidelines and best practices:

14:00–14:30 Practical exercise: Andrew Ruck will support participants in understanding the implications for their company, and in beginning to use:

  • NICE Evidence Standards Framework for digital health technologies
  • NHS Digital Technology Assessment Criteria

14:30–15:00 Questions and Answers


Contact person
Janna Mure
Senior Advisor, Business Finland
Tel. +44 78 4123 3734

Source: Business Finland