Reimbursement webinar series: Germany

Obtaining reimbursement is often a critical step for successful market entry into the German market. Get to know the German medical reimbursement system and the different relevant parties during a webinar organised by Business Finland in collaboration with Julia Knorr, Kalms Consulting.

Time: Thursday 5.10.2023 at 09:00–11:00 (Finnish time)
Place: Microsoft Teams webinar


This webinar is reserved for Finnish companies.

In 2019, Germany launched DiGA, a so-called Apps on prescription, for digital health applications. In 2022, DiPA (Digital Nursing Application) was introduced. The approved applications are listed and visible to everyone in the DiGA and DiPA directories. In this webinar, you will also hear about the other options to get your device into the reimbursement system.

This webinar is a great opportunity to gain an understanding of the German reimbursement landscape and what you need to consider when entering the German market. You will learn about the different reimbursement options, and what it means from a Finnish health tech company’s perspective. The webinar will also cover the latest developments around reimbursement.


09:00 Welcome words

09:05 The German Healthcare System: Basics and Stakeholder

09:15 In-patient and out-patient reimbursement for medical devices in the statutory health insurance (SHI) and private health insurance (PHI)

09:35 Method assessment for innovative technologies and evidence requirements

09:55 DiGA and DiPA, application procedure for digital health solutions

10:25 Alternative approaches: selective contracting

10:45 Q&A

Please note that this program is subject to changes.


Contact persons

Sanna Sipilä-Axnix
Senior Advisor, Business Finland DACH

sanna.sipila-axnix (at)

Terhi Rasmussen
Senior Advisor, Business Finland

terhi.rasmussen (at)


Source: Business Finland