Reimbursement webinar series: France, online

During the webinar, you will get to know the French medical reimbursement system and the new fast-track PECAN system for digital health solutions. The French reimbursement system for medical devices is evolving as part of the national healthcare reform plan and opens new opportunities for medtech and digital solution providers.

Time:  21 September 2023 at 09:00–11:00 (Finnish time)
Place: Microsoft Teams webinar


France has recently launched PECAN, a new fast-track market access pathway for digital health solutions, aiming at accelerating the adoption of innovative digital health solutions. It allows for a one-year reimbursement period for digital solutions before entering the standard reimbursement system. Also, after several years of experiments, medical telemonitoring will enter the standard reimbursement system starting July 1st, 2023.

This webinar is a great opportunity to gain an understanding of the French reimbursement landscape and how the French system differs from other countries’ systems. You will also learn about the different steps of the reimbursement process for medical devices and what it means from a Finnish health tech company’s perspective. You’ll hear about the latest developments around reimbursement: the PECAN fast-track initiative and reimbursement of telemonitoring solutions and get insights on how to enter the French healthcare market.

This online event is organized by the Embassy of Finland in Paris and Business Finland in collaboration with MD101 Consulting, and is reserved for Finnish companies.


09:00 Welcome words

09:05 The French reimbursement landscape

09:25 Medical device reimbursement process and pricing

09:45 New reimbursement framework for remote monitoring

10:05 PECAN, new fast-track market access pathway for digital health solutions

10:25 Typical path to market access/market entry for foreign European MD to the French market

10:45 Q&A

Please note that this program is subject to changes.

Contact persons

Henriikka Yliheljo
Counsellor, Trade and Investments at Embassy of Finland, Paris

henriikka.yliheljo (at)

Terhi Rasmussen
Senior Advisor, Business Finland

terhi.rasmussen (at)

Source: Business Finland