OuluHealth Celebrates 10 Years

OuluHealth celebrates its 10th anniversary and invites all ecosystem stakeholders, supporters, and health enthusiasts to commemorate a journey of cooperation, innovation in the healthtech business, and the implementation of better healthcare services. This is a perfect opportunity to  celebrate, appreciate our network, and express our gratitude to those standing strong with us and supporting us along the way 

We have the pleasure of inviting you to celebrate and hear about how the OuluHealth ecosystem started and evolved. We will share the most important insights and achievements over the past decade, as well as plans for the future.

Time: 11.1.2024, starting at 11:30, evening networking event at 17:00-19:00
Place: Oulun Lääninhallituksen talo (Linnankatu 3), evening networking event (BusinessAsema/Startup Station, Hallituskatu 36A)

This event is fully booked and all the seats are reserved. 

For over 10 years, the OuluHealth ecosystem has continuously supported a research and innovation culture along with health and life science companies to create the leading health technology centre. The ecosystem strives to continue this journey and lead the world into the next generation of healthcare – a mission in which all stakeholders have embarked with us.

These 10 years have been filled with great achievements but also consistent work of all the OuluHealth stakeholders and other supporters. OuluHealth is the people who provide their time and continuously make an effort to strengthen the ecosystem and make it expand Now it is time to reflect on the path we have been walking together, but first of all to celebrate!

This event’s program will be held in Finnish.

This event is fully booked and all the seats are reserved. 


”OuluHealth – ensimmäiset 10 vuotta” 12:30 – 14:00

  • Alkusanat, Jarmo Husso, Oulun kaupunginvaltuuston puheenjohtaja
  • Kuinka kaikki alkoi ja miten ekosysteemi perustettiin, Noora Jansson, Oulun ammattikorkeakoulu
  • OuluHealthin matka OIA yhteistyössä, Maritta Perälä-Heape
  • Nostoja oululaisten yritysten innovaatioista: Cerenion, Nucu, Near-Real
  • OIA ja OuluHealth tänään, Maria Vuorensola, BusinessOulu & Minna Komu, BusinessOulu

Verkostoitumiskahvit 14:00 – 14:30

”OuluHealth – seuraavat 10 vuotta” 14:30 – 16:00

  • Mitä OYSTER mahdollistaa meille ja miten näemme tulevaisuuden? Puheenvuoroja OuluHealth sidosryhmien edustajilta
    • Pohde, Kirsti Ylitalo-Katajisto
    • Oulun yliopisto, Jarmo Reponen
    • Oulun ammattikorkeakoulu, Taina Junttila
    • VTT, Hilkka Liedes
  • OuluHealthin tulevaisuuden ratkaisuja – OYSTER kansalliselle agendalle? Juuso Rönnholm, BusinessOulu

Keskustelua, moderaattoreina Juuso Rönnholm & Minna Komu.

Siirtyminen Startup Stationille.

Jatko-ohjelma BusinessAseman Startup Stationilla, 17:00-19:00

  • Alkusanat / BusinessOulu
  • OYSTER kaupungin näkökulmasta – Juha Ala-Mursula, BusinessOulu
  • Nostoja oululaisten yritysten innovaatioista:
    • Finnadvance – Jari Moilanen
    • Smart PD Solutions – Markku Känsäkoski

Keskustelua ja verkostoitumista.

Contact person

Minna Komu
Network Director, Coordination of Health and Life Science ecosystem OuluHealth