Health Tuesday: cancer – from ground-breaking research to novel care

The first Health Tuesday in 2021 will focus on Finnish Cancer expertise – from ground-breaking research to novel care. Finland is at the forefront with expertise ranging from research, treatment and digital tools for both patients and professionals to solutions for living with cancer. Join the event to find out more about Finland’s search for new technologies and innovations for future-proofing cancer care.


8.00 Opening Words
Sampo Sammalisto, Program Manager, Business Finland

8.05 Cancer IO – Translating Immuno-Oncology into Health Actions
Juha Klefström, Research Director, University of Helsinki

8.20 Applying laser technology for cancer care
Seppo Orsila, Chairman & CEO, Modulight Oy

8.35 Uptake of new research and technologies in cancer care
Ilpo Tolonen, CEO, Docrates Cancer Center

8.50 Closing remarks

9.00 Health Tuesday event ends

9.15 Roundtable
Market opportunities roundtable: introduction to current cancer related business opportunities (for Finnish companies)

10.15 Roundtable session ends

Registrations by February 2nd, 8 am.

Contact person

Sampo Sammalisto
Program Manager, Personalized Health Finland

Health Tuesday Oulu

9:05 – 10:00 Health Tuesday local program (in Finnish)
Registration Health Tuesday Oulu local event

Northern Finland Regional Cancer Center FICAN North
Jussi Koivunen, johtaja

Northern Finland Cancer Association
Seppo Rajaniemi, toiminnanjohtaja

Questions and discussions

Please register by Monday, February 1st, 2 pm. You will receive further information via email after registering

Contact person

Veera Virta
Project Coordination and Communication, Centre for Health and technology