Health tech event series – routes to the UK market, online

British Embassies to the UK, UK’s Department for International Trade, and event partners would like to invite HealthTech focused SMEs to the first virtual event of the series events.

The webinar will focus on providing key information on the market landscape, including areas of UK health technology that is rapidly developing; self-care and wellness, remote monitoring, and DTx.

Time: 19 October 2021, 9:30 – 11:00 CET
Place: Online


During the event you will hear from DIT’s HealthTech specialists, AHSN and PwC about:

  • “Key information to know and steps to take when preparing your business for the UK”
  • “Tips on routes to market including strategies for selling b2b and b2c”
  • “Access to finance”

Visit the event website for more information and to register.

Source: The Department for International Trade