Digitalization opportunities in German healthcare – update to the hospital future act (KHZG), webinar

As a part of the European recovery procedures, a total of 4.3 billion € investments in improving the digital capabilities of the German hospitals are expected by 2024. German hospitals and clinical care facilities had until the end of 2021 time to send their application for KHZG and Federal Social Security Office (BAS) funding.

The German Bundestag approved the new Hospital Future Act (Krankenhauszukunftsgesetz) in 2020 which is after the Digital Healthcare Act another significant step towards implementing the digital change into the German healthcare system. With this Hospital Future Act the German Federal Government will invest around 3 billion € into the German hospitals to foster their digital infrastructures. In addition, the Federal States will invest an extra 1.3 billion € to digitalization.

Join this free of charge webinar to learn about German Hospital Future Act and the actual funding status and the opportunities for Finnish technology providers.

Time: 3 March 2022, 15:00 – 16:00 (Finnish time)
Place: Online



Opening remarks & Business Finland’s services
Ms. Sanna Sipilä-Axnix, Advisor, Business Finland

Digitization of the German healthcare system – Update to the Hospital Future Act (KHZG)
Carsten Schmid, Digital Healthport

  • Opportunities and risks for a current market entry in Germany
  • Current status at the KHZG – Hospital Future Act
  • Can the Hospital Future Act still be used for expansion/internationalization to Germany or has the market already been divided up?
  • What long-term market opportunities exist in Germany beyond the hospital future act?

Health Eco System – Cooperation with partners
Mr Dr. Wauschkuhn, Samedi GmbH



Contact person

Sanna Sipilä-Axnix
Business Finland, Austria

Source: Business Finland