Business Finland: China’s AgeTech Market Webinar

Business Finland has recently published a report on China’s AgeTech market, covering various aspects and business opportunities that Finnish companies would want to consider. They now organize a webinar for Finnish health technology companies interested in learning more and expanding their business in China.

Time: October 19th, 10:00 – 11:00
Place: Microsoft Teams Webinar
Registration: Business Finland

The National Health Commission estimates that China has over 268 million people aged over 60, a number that is predicted to reach 363 million by 2030, and 487 million by 2050. That will account for over a third of the total population.

The Chinese society is becoming wealthier and more health-conscious, and the elderly’s demand for senior-specific products and services is expanding. The market for AgeTech products in China is expected to reach 141 billion USD by 2030, which makes China the country with the world’s largest ‘silver’ market.

With this in mind, Business Finland organizes this event for Finnish health technology companies interested in Chinese market opportunities in elderly care and senior care homes, excluding hospitals.


10.00 Opening remarks
Ms. Meria Heikelä, Director, Health, Business Finland London

10.05 Agetech opportunities in the Chinese market
(Speaker from Fiducia Strategy Advisory)

10.50 Q&A

11.00 End of event

Contact persons

Meria Heikelä
Director, Health & Wellbeing, Europe West 

Sanorita Li
Senior Advisor, Region East Asia and India 

Anniina Wäyrynen
Program Coordinator


Source: Business Finland