The need

Guiding and engaging social and healthcare professionals and students in innovation activities demand comprehensive support as well as resources from a hospital innovation management team (IMT). Partial
digitalisation of selected training topics of innovation activities completes the support provided by IMT as well as conserves human resources. There is also a need to motivate health care professionals and
students to actively familiarise themselves with the topic in question and help to utilize human resources in a more efficient way.


Increased opportunities for hospital professionals and students to receive guidance in innovation activities.
(*) These results come from Regular end-user testing by healthcare professionals during the co-creation at the Oulu University Hospital Testbed.

The solution

The interactive Orientation bot complements the activities carried out by Oulu University Hospital in orienting and engaging professionals and students in innovation activities. Bot’s operations have been
designed during the process that involved the hospital’s innovation organization, innovation coordinators and innovation ambassadors in the development work.


Co-creation and Business Support

Pilot region: Oulu (Finland) | Period: April 2019- April 2020


Oulu University Hospital

  • 7 Innovation
  • Management Team representatives
  • 6 Innovation
  • Ambassadors



  • 1 software engineer
  • 1 medical director


IMTs at Oulu University Hospital

  • 13 Innovation
  • Management Team representatives
  • 120+ Innovation
  • Ambassadors
  • Hospital professionals
  • Social and healthcare students



  • 5 business development experts


Oulu Region Council
  • 2 experts

Hear the stories!

“The Intelligent Orientation bot is expected to serve as an assistive tool in orienting and engaging employees and students in our hospitals’ innovation activities.”

  • Pauliina Hyrkäs, Innovation Coordinator of Northern Ostrobothnia Hospital District

“Virtual assistants are becoming widely used in many business and public sector organizations. The Orientation Bot shows how new conversational solutions enable innovative working methods. It is
also possible to use the same solution easily in other hospital processes.”

  • Erkki Lohiniva, CEO at iSoft.ai