Monidor’s innovative testing at the Oamk SimLab: enhancing healthcare

In the dynamic field of healthcare technology, product testing is a crucial step in the development process. Monidor, a healthtech company based in Oulu, has utilized the facilities at the Oamk SimLab to test their solution for remote monitoring of vital parameters. This software is designed to streamline nurses’ workflows and enhance patient safety by providing a user-friendly technology solution.
What is the Oamk SimLab?
The Oamk SimLab is a part of OuluHealth Labs, a cutting-edge environment for research, innovation, and co-creation. It offers a range of simulated service environments where health technology and welfare services can be developed and tested. The lab provides a safe space for solution testing and validation before certification, without the need for ethical requirements.
The purpose of the lab
The purpose of the Oamk SimLab is to support companies and stakeholders throughout the innovation process. It boasts versatile simulation studios and lab environments tailored for health and welfare professionals. This allows for comprehensive testing and development of products and services, with the added benefit of student and teacher feedback.
Monidor’s goals at the SimLab
Monidor aims to leverage Oamk SimLab’s resources to achieve their goal of creating technology that eases the burden on nursing staff and bolsters patient safety. By testing their remote monitoring software in a simulated environment, Monidor can fine-tune their product to meet the real-world needs of healthcare professionals.
Monidor’s testing process involves several phases, beginning with an introduction to the system and a briefing. Students then engage with the devices; they use the device to set up the monitoring for patients and check the remote monitoring as they would do in a real hospital ward environment.
Through the testing at the Oamk SimLab, Monidor is contributing to the advancement of healthcare technology. The company’s commitment to improving the tools available to nursing professionals is a testament to the importance of practical, hands-on testing in real-world simulated environments.
The service was enabled by HealthHub Finland EDIH (, which is co-funded by the European Commission’s Digital Europe Programme and Business Finland.

Text: Rabia Abid, Marketing and Communication Trainee, BusinessOulu