The Health Innovation Space — a testbed platform to support German market entry

The Health Innovation Space supports companies from the healthcare sector in making their product developments fit for the German healthcare market. The offering is a platform for a test environment at a healthcare provider in the Hanover & Hildesheim area and, in addition, the perspective of a statutory health insurance company. Participation in the Health Innovation Space enables you to generate valuable feedback and test results from the perspective of users and payers. You will gain experience and information, which can then be used, for example, negotiating selection contracts, larger-scale studies, applying for funding projects or even a subsequent direct sales launch.
The application period will be open until January 31st, 2024. The InnoSpace project partners search explicitly for innovations meeting the following criteria: outpatient social aid, youth welfare, family aid, Integration support, outpatient care, and daycare.
Health Innovation Space Online Introduction
An online introduction to the project will take place on January 16th. The project will be presented and you will be introduced to partners and get a best practice example by a company from Norway. There will also be a Q&A session concerning the project, the partners, and the application.
Time: 16.1.2024, 11:00 – 11:45 am (CET).
Place: Zoom
Registration: Webinar Registration – Zoom
Participating at the Health Innovation Space is free of cost for all project participants (Companies, funders and service providers).
More information:
Contact person:
Cornelia Bentrup
Project Director
+49 511 300 33335
Source: hannoverimpuls