The Health Inno­va­tion Space — a test­bed plat­form to sup­port Ger­man mar­ket entry

The Health Inno­va­tion Space sup­ports com­pa­nies from the health­care sec­tor in mak­ing their prod­uct devel­op­ments fit for the Ger­man health­care mar­ket. The offer­ing is a plat­form for a test envi­ron­ment at a health­care provider in the Hanover & Hildesheim area and, in addi­tion, the per­spec­tive of a statu­to­ry health insur­ance com­pa­ny. Par­tic­i­pa­tion in the Health Inno­va­tion Space enables you to gen­er­ate valu­able feed­back and test results from the per­spec­tive of users and pay­ers. You will gain expe­ri­ence and infor­ma­tion, which can then be used, for exam­ple, nego­ti­at­ing selec­tion con­tracts, larg­er-scale stud­ies, apply­ing for fund­ing projects or even a sub­se­quent direct sales launch. 

The appli­ca­tion peri­od will be open until Jan­u­ary 31st, 2024. The Inno­Space project part­ners search explic­it­ly for inno­va­tions meet­ing the fol­low­ing cri­te­ria: out­pa­tient social aid, youth wel­fare, fam­i­ly aid, Inte­gra­tion sup­port, out­pa­tient care, and day­care.

Health Inno­va­tion Space Online Intro­duc­tion

An online intro­duc­tion to the project will take place on Jan­u­ary 16th. The project will be pre­sent­ed and you will be intro­duced to part­ners and get a best prac­tice exam­ple by a com­pa­ny from Nor­way. There will also be a Q&A ses­sion con­cern­ing the project, the part­ners, and the appli­ca­tion.

Time: 16.1.2024, 11:00 – 11:45 am (CET).
Place: Zoom
Webi­nar Reg­is­tra­tion – Zoom

Par­tic­i­pat­ing at the Health Inno­va­tion Space is free of cost for all project par­tic­i­pants (Com­pa­nies, fun­ders and ser­vice providers).

More infor­ma­tion:

Con­tact per­son:
Cor­nelia Ben­trup
Project Direc­tor

+49 511 300 33335

Source: han­nover­im­puls