The EIC Accel­er­a­tor fund­ing pro­gramme offers sup­port for star­tups and SMEs

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The EIC Accel­er­a­tor is a fund­ing pro­gramme under Hori­zon Europe that offers sup­port to star­tups and SMEs that have an inno­v­a­tive, game-chang­ing prod­uct, ser­vice or busi­ness mod­el that could cre­ate new mar­kets or dis­rupt exist­ing ones in Europe and even world­wide, have the ambi­tion and com­mit­ment to scale up, and are look­ing for sub­stan­tial fund­ing.

Par­tic­i­pat­ing star­tups and SMEs can get up to €2.5 mil­lion in grants, up to €15 mil­lion in equi­ty invest­ments, coach­ing & men­tor­ing, and net­work­ing. The pro­gramme also grants access to a range of tai­lor-made Busi­ness Accel­er­a­tion Ser­vices (BAS) for ben­e­fi­cia­ries to lever­age invest­ments, with access to glob­al part­ners, access to coach­es, men­tors, exper­tise, and train­ing, and access to an inno­va­tion ecosys­tem.

The appli­ca­tions are open for star­tups and SMEs, indi­vid­u­als intend­ing to launch an SME and small mid-caps. The EIC wel­comes appli­ca­tions from inno­va­tors in all EU Mem­ber States and coun­tries asso­ci­at­ed with the Hori­zon Europe pro­gramme. It par­tic­u­lar­ly wel­comes appli­ca­tions from star­tups and SMEs with female CEOs. You can find detailed infor­ma­tion about appli­ca­tions through the EIC Accel­er­a­tor web­site.

Source: EIC Accel­er­a­tor