ProW­ell­ness to deliv­er cut­ting-edge Rheuma­tol­ogy Sys­tem to North­west­ern Ire­land hos­pi­tals

Oulu-based health com­pa­ny, ProW­ell­ness, has suc­cess­ful­ly deliv­ered a Rheuma­tol­ogy Sys­tem to enhance the North­west rheuma­tol­ogy ser­vices at Sli­go Uni­ver­si­ty Hos­pi­tal and Our Lady’s Hos­pi­tal in Manorhamil­ton, Ire­land.

This sig­nif­i­cant devel­op­ment aims to improve the diag­no­sis and treat­ment of rheumat­ic dis­eases, includ­ing arthri­tis, which affects near­ly one mil­lion peo­ple in Ire­land and is a lead­ing cause of dis­abil­i­ty in the coun­try. Arthri­tis can result in joint dam­age, pain, stiff­ness, lim­it­ed mobil­i­ty, and defor­mi­ty. It affects peo­ple of all ages and back­grounds, often hav­ing con­nec­tions to men­tal health issues such as depres­sion and anx­i­ety.

The Rheuma­tol­ogy Sys­tem devel­oped by ProW­ell­ness is now oper­a­tional in Sli­go and Manorhamil­ton. The sys­tem was cre­at­ed in col­lab­o­ra­tion with lead­ing rheuma­tol­ogy experts at Sli­go Uni­ver­si­ty Hos­pi­tal and it is part of the inte­grat­ed ProW­ell­ness CDMS (Chron­ic Dis­ease Man­age­ment Sys­tem) plat­form.

Sli­go Uni­ver­si­ty Hos­pi­tal (SUH) serves a pop­u­la­tion of 250,000 across Sli­go, Leitrim, South Done­gal, North Roscom­mon, West Cavan, and East Mayo. Our Lady’s Hos­pi­tal in Manor Hamil­ton hosts a region­al Rheuma­tol­ogy ser­vice. SUH hous­es a Med­ical Acad­e­my affil­i­at­ed with the Nation­al Uni­ver­si­ty of Ire­land (NUI), Gal­way. This acad­e­my pro­vides clin­i­cal rota­tions and edu­ca­tion for med­ical stu­dents from NUI Gal­way on the Sli­go Uni­ver­si­ty Hos­pi­tal Cam­pus.

This col­lab­o­ra­tive effort aims to enhance patient care, improve joint mobil­i­ty, and pre­vent dis­ease pro­gres­sion and dam­age for those affect­ed by rheumat­ic con­di­tions.  Inte­grat­ing tech­nol­o­gy and exper­tise is a pos­i­tive step towards bet­ter region­al health­care out­comes.

Con­tact per­son

Mika Sip­i­la

CEO, ProW­ell­ness Health Solu­tions

Source: ProW­ell­ness