Peili Vision’s ADHD detec­tion tool to be pilot­ed in York­shire schools

An inter­ac­tive tool devel­oped by Peili Vision has secured fund­ing to be pilot­ed in the Leeds area in part­ner­ship with local schools, GPs and Inte­grat­ed Care Boards.

The solu­tion deliv­ers an accu­rate eval­u­a­tion of exec­u­tive func­tion­ing linked to ADHD in school-age chil­dren in York­shire, aim­ing to improve the capac­i­ty to pro­vide ear­ly inter­ven­tion, tai­lored sup­port to stu­dents, and more insight for indi­vid­u­als into what sup­port they need.

The exec­u­tive func­tion­ing detec­tion test, devel­oped by Peili Vision, based in the Nexus inno­va­tion hub at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Leeds, has received £99,000 from the Launch­pad pro­gram with­in Inno­vate UK to offer free pilots of the pro­gram.

The gam­i­fied EFSim assess­ment sim­u­lates the home envi­ron­ment where chil­dren per­form every­day com­mon tasks, with stu­dents hav­ing to remem­ber and per­form them cor­rect­ly. While the test is intend­ed to pri­mar­i­ly eval­u­ate the exec­u­tive func­tion­ing of stu­dents, it has been shown to have 88% accu­ra­cy in the ear­ly detec­tion of ADHD. The test can also be tak­en at home, with GPs shar­ing a link for chil­dren to take it pri­vate­ly. The results can be reviewed with the clin­i­cian at a fol­low-up appoint­ment.

Found­ed orig­i­nal­ly in Fin­land in 2015 and active in the UK since 2023, Peili Vision focus­es on exec­u­tive func­tion deficit detec­tion for schools and health care. Pilots in more than 100 schools with around 10,000 pupils have already tak­en place in Fin­land, and sev­er­al pilots are due to start in Lon­don this autumn.

Read more about Peili Vision’s pilot test­ing in York­shire Schools.

Source: York­shire Times