OYS Test­Lab / Pohde Well­be­ingLab

A spe­cialised test envi­ron­ment in the heart of its provider, Oulu Uni­ver­si­ty Hos­pi­tal. OYS TestLab’s premis­es can repli­cate var­i­ous hos­pi­tal units, such as an oper­at­ing the­atre, clin­ics, wards and con­trol rooms.  It offers all you need to test and devel­op your prod­uct or ser­vice in an authen­tic hos­pi­tal envi­ron­ment and with gen­uine users.

The lab­o­ra­to­ry cov­ers 300 square metres on two floors, and a dig­i­tal test­bed for EHR inte­gra­tions. Addi­tion­al­ly, OYS Test­Lab has a 3D vir­tu­al space and a 5G test net­work.

Con­tact per­son

Timo Alalääkkölä
Devel­op­ment Man­ag­er, Head of Test­ing and Inno­va­tions
Well­be­ing ser­vices coun­ty of North Ostro­both­nia
tel. +358 40 561 4390

OYS Test­Lab Prod­ucts