Oulu-based health tech com­pa­ny, Medanets, focus­es on mak­ing nurs­es’ work eas­i­er

The nurs­ing app devel­oped by Medanets, a health tech com­pa­ny based in Oulu, Fin­land, will add an impor­tant, com­ple­ment­ing piece to EHRs and oth­er dig­i­tal tools in health­care.

In Fin­land, sev­er­al ten­ders for elec­tron­ic health records (EHRs) are expect­ed in the com­ing years as well­be­ing ser­vices coun­ties har­monise their sys­tems. The Pirkan­maa and North Savo well­be­ing ser­vices coun­ties have recent­ly put a joint EHR out to ten­der. An app is often part of the EHR com­pa­nies’ offer­ing, and it is often this com­ple­men­tary piece that can make or break the pur­chas­ing deci­sion. For tax­pay­ers, the use of solu­tions such as the one devel­oped by Medanets will trans­late into smoother and bet­ter-qual­i­ty health ser­vices.

The Medanets app has been devel­oped togeth­er with health­care pro­fes­sion­als. It enables safe and effi­cient nurs­ing work­flows, sup­ports deci­sion-mak­ing and leaves time for the most impor­tant thing — car­ing for the patients. The app is used in many hos­pi­tals and pri­ma­ry health­care units in the Nordics and the UK.

Read more in Finnish.

Source: Medanets