Mesal­vo and Medanets part­ner to rev­o­lu­tion­ize hos­pi­tal care with dig­i­tal solu­tions

In a ground­break­ing col­lab­o­ra­tion, Mesal­vo and Medanets have joined forces to trans­form dai­ly care work and advance dig­i­tal­iza­tion in hos­pi­tals. By com­bin­ing Mesalvo’s intel­li­gent solu­tion for clin­i­cal doc­u­men­ta­tion and patient man­age­ment with Medanets’ health­care app, the com­pa­nies aim to opti­mize process­es and enhance patient safe­ty.

Mod­ern med­ica­tion man­age­ment: a dig­i­tal approach

Health­care pro­fes­sion­als rely on Mesalvo’s med­ica­tion and dig­i­tal curve solu­tion for pre­scrip­tions, admin­is­tra­tive tasks, and orders. The inte­gra­tion with the Medanets app stream­lines med­ica­tion admin­is­tra­tion:

  1. Patient Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion: Using bar­code scan­ning, the app iden­ti­fies patients by their wrist­bands and med­ica­tion sachets at the bed­side.
  2. Imme­di­ate Infor­ma­tion: Med­ica­tion details are fetched direct­ly from Mesalvo’s solu­tion.
  3. Seam­less Doc­u­men­ta­tion: The app’s med­ica­tion admin­is­tra­tion records seam­less­ly trans­fer to Mesalvo’s dig­i­tal curve.
  4. Mea­sure­ment Data: Health­care pro­fes­sion­als can input vital signs (e.g., blood pres­sure) direct­ly into the app, which syncs with Mesalvo’s sys­tem.

This elim­i­nates error-prone paper doc­u­men­ta­tion, enhanc­ing effi­cien­cy and accu­ra­cy.

Fast deci­sion sup­port in emer­gen­cies

The com­bi­na­tion of Mesalvo’s dig­i­tal chart and the Medanets app pro­vides com­pre­hen­sive patient data. Key fea­tures include:

  • Up-to-date med­ica­tion check: bar­code scan­ning ensures the right med­ica­tion is admin­is­tered to the right patient at the right time.
  • Ear­ly warn­ing score (EWS): the app eval­u­ates the patien­t’s con­di­tion. Based on the EWS result, clin­i­cal guide­lines prompt appro­pri­ate actions (e.g., noti­fy­ing the doc­tor).
  • Sep­sis man­age­ment: imme­di­ate mea­sures can be ini­ti­at­ed to pre­vent life-threat­en­ing com­pli­ca­tions.

Safe phar­ma­cother­a­py: closed-loop med­ica­tion man­age­ment

Mesalvo’s closed-loop med­ica­tion process enhances safe­ty:

Unit Dose Inte­gra­tion: con­nect­ed unit or mul­ti-dose dis­pensers’ pack­age indi­vid­ual med­ica­tions for each patient.

Auto­mat­ed med­ica­tion man­age­ment: this replaces man­u­al process­es, reduc­ing errors and sav­ing health­care pro­fes­sion­als’ time.

Bed­side ver­i­fi­ca­tion: scan­ning the med­ica­tion sachet bar­code ensures accu­rate admin­is­tra­tion.

The Mesal­vo-Medanets part­ner­ship pro­motes effec­tive col­lab­o­ra­tion, holis­tic patient care, and improved work­ing con­di­tions. Togeth­er, they rev­o­lu­tion­ize hos­pi­tal care through dig­i­tal inno­va­tion.

About Mesal­vo GmbH

Mesal­vo devel­ops IT solu­tions and dig­i­talis­es and net­works all admin­is­tra­tive and med­ical process­es along the patient jour­ney. This makes the work of med­ical and admin­is­tra­tive staff eas­i­er and more effec­tive, there­by increas­ing patient safe­ty and qual­i­ty of care. Mesal­vo sig­nif­i­cant­ly con­tributes to improv­ing qual­i­ty and patient safe­ty in the health­care sec­tor.

About Medanets
Medanets rev­o­lu­tionis­es health­care with supe­ri­or mobile solu­tions. Devel­oped togeth­er with health­care pro­fes­sion­als, the app enables safe and effi­cient nurs­ing work­flows, sup­ports deci­sion-mak­ing, and leaves more time for care. The Medanets app inte­grates with EHR sys­tems and com­ple­ments their fea­tures. 

Source: Medanets