Registration guide
Welcome to join the ICTOulu portal. The membership is meant for ICT companies in the Oulu area. To get a better idea of the topics and the company profiles, we recommend browsing the site a bit before registering.
The main language of the portal is English, so please fill in all your information in English and add links to the English versions of your company or product websites.
Registration steps
- Fill in your company information on the registry form. (A more detailed guide for the registration form and suitable attachments can be found further on this page.)
- Once you have filled in all the information you wish to provide, hit the Submit registration button. This will create a draft of your company profile page on the portal.
- Once we verify the submitted information, we will activate the user. This activation will send a confirmation e‑mail from with the directions to login and save the company information one more time (with possible edits). Be aware that the activation message can easily end up in your spam folder.
- Saving the information at this point will publish the profile immediately. In the future, editing the company information will also provide immediate results.
Please contact us
- If any problems or errors occur during your registration or using the site, let us know so we can fix the issues.
- If you wish to change the e‑mail address of your portal account.
- We welcome any suggestions to relevant news articles to be linked on the portal, especially the ones concerning your own company.
- We also welcome any suggestions and feedback to develop the portal!
Registry form fields
User account:
Create a user account with the e‑mail address of the person that will be updating your company information. The information for the contact person that will be visible to all visitors of ICTOulu portal is on the bottom of the registry form.
Introduction texts:
The fields for introductions only accept text and line breaks. Pasting some emojis or other icons in these fields works, but code will not. Slogan will become the subheading on your profile page located before the introduction paragraphs (and after the illustration image if provided). The introduction fields will form two separate paragraphs on the page but you can create more paragraphs yourself with line breaks. Please, do not leave the General introduction field empty, as it will also provide an excerpt to the browsing/card view. The field for introducing offerings, products etc. may be left blank.
Technological domains:
ICTOulu portal categorizes all companies and news according to the topics of technological domains. Please consider your relevant topics carefully. For example, the more general topic of Consulting & Services relates to companies that focus on offering these services (e.g., ICT support and maintenance) on a larger scale.
There’s a new optional feature to let the portal users know you are recruiting. If you currently have open positions, add a link to your recruitment site, and basically you are done! If you wish, you can also add some additional information such as what kind of positions are available or the recruitment contact person. If you don’t have a website for the open positions, you can still give the necessary details on the information field. By filling in either of these fields, you’ll create a small ‘Now hiring!’ stamp on the company card in browsing view. The filled in information will be visible on your profile after the introduction fields and before the gray contact person detail section.
Image attachments
Images are not required, but we strongly recommend adding at least the company logo. The images will be modified to JPG format and resized if needed (some image formats will not automatically work on the sire). If possible, optimize the images for web to reduce their file size. The maximum image upload size is 2 MB but the final file size should be much smaller.
Include your company logo:
More guidelines for logos follow below, but you can include a logo with unsupported file type and/or that hasn’t been optimized for the site and we will edit it. To avoid blurry logos, ensure the logo included is at least 500 pixels wide.
The logo images on the site have a white background and are sized 650 x 650 pixels. The logos have extra white space around them to organize them more neatly on the browsing/card view. The actual logo in the image is around 400–580 pixels wide.
Include your company illustration image:
The image will be visible on the top of your company page, right under the title. The size is 1300 x 300–700 pixels. Larger or smaller images will most likely stretch or get partly cut. If you wish to add vertical or square images, they will need some white spaces on the edges to avoid stretching. We might also edit the illustration images slightly, mainly resizing and optimizing.