Medanets grows strong­ly in the com­ing years, with dozens of new hos­pi­tals as cus­tomers

As of 2023, the Medanets app already counts with 30,000 users. The expec­ta­tion is for con­sis­tent and strong growth in the future, enabling bet­ter ser­vices for both the cur­rent and new cus­tomers, and cre­at­ing new jobs.

The out­look has been pos­i­tive for a long time, and the com­pa­ny is pleased to announce that they will have more than ten Finnish and inter­na­tion­al health­care orga­ni­za­tions as cus­tomers in the near future. The expec­ta­tion is for about forty hos­pi­tals to go live with the solu­tion in the upcom­ing years, and about ten will launch the app next year.

In 2023, the turnover increased by about 15%, and the same growth rate is expect­ed to con­tin­ue in 2024. The growth will enable the com­pa­ny to devel­op the solu­tions more effec­tive­ly, mak­ing them ser­vice the exist­ing and new cus­tomers even bet­ter.

The back­bone of Medanets’ suc­cess is its exist­ing cus­tomers, with whom they have formed long-last­ing and fruit­ful cus­tomer rela­tion­ships. The company’s pri­ma­ry mis­sion is to serve its cur­rent cus­tomers as well as pos­si­ble.

While it is excep­tion­al for such a large num­ber of hos­pi­tals to imple­ment Medanets’ solu­tion with­in such a short peri­od, the growth is well man­aged due to long-term prepa­ra­tion from the company’s side. This year, they have wel­comed new experts to the team: Jouko Vester­i­nen and Thomas Lindqvist in the S&D team, San­teri Hau­ta­la test­ing, Tom­mi Rito­la in iOS devel­op­ment and Kausha Pansaniya in UK imple­men­ta­tions. They now aim to strength­en the crew proac­tive­ly in the future.

Source: Medanets