Klaim­ber® elec­tric expands to new mar­kets

Klaim­ber elec­tric, the new mains-pow­ered ver­sion of Kailamed’s assis­tive per­son lift­ing chair, is expand­ing into new Euro­pean mar­kets and broad­en­ing its dis­trib­u­tor­ships in Den­mark, Ger­many, and Swe­den.

Addi­tion­al­ly, in May, Klaim­ber elec­tric is show­cased at the Fokus Hjälpmedel assis­tive prod­ucts exhi­bi­tion in Malmö, with many more inter­na­tion­al exhi­bi­tions planned for 2024.

Klaim­ber elec­tric has been well-received due to its excep­tion­al ease of use and fur­ni­ture-like design. It meets the needs of a diverse cus­tomer base by assist­ing indi­vid­u­als to rise from the floor and gen­tly low­er­ing them down to the floor, for exam­ple, from a wheel­chair, with­out the need for an assis­tant. For many peo­ple with dis­abil­i­ties, easy access to the floor opens up a world of new activ­i­ties.

Thanks to its motorised up-and-down func­tion, Klaim­ber elec­tric is also ide­al for health­care set­tings, offer­ing unpar­al­leled con­ve­nience for patient lift­ing. Using assis­tive prod­ucts designed for per­son lift­ing is cru­cial for patient safe­ty and work ergonom­ics.

Con­tact per­son

Marko Kaila­suo

CEO, Kail­amed

Source: Kail­amed