Kipuwex to launch daugh­ter com­pa­ny ‘Vitals4Pets’ at the Lon­don Vet Show

Kipuwex is thrilled to announce the offi­cial launch of their daugh­ter com­pa­ny, Vitals4Pets, at the pres­ti­gious Lon­don Vet Show — one of the world’s lead­ing vet­eri­nary events bring­ing togeth­er pro­fes­sion­als from across the globe.

Vitals4Pets intro­duces remote ECG and ani­mal vitals mon­i­tor­ing, empow­er­ing vet­eri­nar­i­ans and pet own­ers with 24/7 access to vital health insights any­where and any­time. The launch at the Lon­don Vet Show was a suc­cess. The com­pa­ny was inspired by the inter­est of dis­trib­u­tors, vet­eri­nary pro­fes­sion­als, and ani­mal health experts. The event pro­vid­ed a great plat­form to show­case their inno­v­a­tive solu­tion and high­light how it con­tributes to advanc­ing ani­mal health­care.

Build­ing on Kipuwex’s exper­tise in human remote mon­i­tor­ing, Vitals4Pets rep­re­sents the com­mit­ment to advanc­ing ani­mal health through cut­ting-edge tech­nol­o­gy.

We are excit­ed to see this inno­va­tion’s future and its poten­tial for the vet­eri­nary indus­try.

In the pic­ture (from left to right): Dou­glas Adams­son, Johan Kalling, Marko Höynälä, Tit­ta Kuis­ma-Höynälä, Jamil Kote

Source: Kipuwex