Finnad­vance Announces New Pub­li­ca­tion on Organ-on-Chip Plat­form!

Rev­o­lu­tion­iz­ing Drug Dis­cov­ery with Oulu’s AKI­TA by Finnad­vance:

The future of drug dis­cov­ery is here, human-cen­tric, eth­i­cal, and effi­cient. Thanks to the ground­break­ing research by Finnad­vance, one of the lead­ing health and life sci­ence com­pa­nies in Oulu, it is pos­si­ble to unlock the poten­tial for high-through­put screen­ing on human mod­els.

The new­ly pub­lished paper, “High­ly Scal­able and Stan­dard­ized Organ-on-Chip Plat­form with TEER for Bio­log­i­cal Bar­ri­er Mod­el­ing,” details a rev­o­lu­tion­ary plat­form that offers:

  • Faster results: Achieve rapid, human-rel­e­vant data with 96/384-well plate com­pat­i­bil­i­ty and robot­ic automa­tion.
  • Eth­i­cal alter­na­tives: Say good­bye to ani­mal test­ing and embrace a more humane approach to drug devel­op­ment.
  • Unmatched ver­sa­til­i­ty: Explore var­i­ous appli­ca­tions beyond vas­cu­lar­ized bar­ri­ers, includ­ing organoids, tis­sue slices, and more.
  • Real-time insights: Gain a com­pre­hen­sive under­stand­ing with a com­bi­na­tion of stan­dard imag­ing and rapid, label-free elec­tri­cal read­outs.
  • Broad­er hori­zons: Uncov­er pos­si­bil­i­ties across diverse ther­a­peu­tic areas, includ­ing reti­nal, neur­al, gut, lung, and oncol­o­gy.

This is a game-chang­er for the entire health­care indus­try. With AKI­TA’s inno­v­a­tive plat­form, we can expect:

  • Reduced drug devel­op­ment time­lines: Get life-sav­ing treat­ments to patients faster. ⏱️
  • More accu­rate and reli­able results: Make data-dri­ven deci­sions for bet­ter out­comes.
  • Eth­i­cal and sus­tain­able prac­tices: Align with evolv­ing reg­u­la­to­ry trends and pub­lic val­ues.

Finnad­vance is a prime exam­ple of an inno­v­a­tive com­pa­ny active in the Health and Life Sci­ence sec­tor in Oulu. The com­pa­ny has a pos­i­tive impact on the future of health­care.

‘Big shoutout to my squad and fel­low braini­acs at AKI­TA by Finnad­vance – your bril­liant and some­times bizarre ideas (most­ly from Pra­teek Singh) turned our 4‑year project into an epic adven­ture and a pub­lished mas­ter­piece’, said Tuan Hoang Nguyen, CTO at Finnad­vance.

Read the full paper here.

Source: Finnad­vance