Nordic Proof — shar­ing of health data, webi­nar

Join the Nordic Proof Dig­i­tal Event to learn more about the reha­bil­i­ta­tion and well­be­ing field and meet the Nordic Proof part­ners in online one-to-one meet­ings.

The Nordic Proof Dig­i­tal Event is a great chance for health and well­be­ing com­pa­nies to explore new test­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties. This event is ben­e­fi­cial if your com­pa­ny is look­ing for test projects or wants to col­lab­o­rate on test­ing and val­i­da­tion. It’s a good occa­sion to con­nect with the Nordic Proof part­ner net­work, which includes many health insti­tu­tions from the Nordic region. So, if your com­pa­ny is in the health indus­try and look­ing to test new ideas or projects, this event is an ide­al match for you.

Time: 16 Feb­ru­ary 2024, 10:00–12:00 CET
Place: Online

Par­tic­i­pa­tion is free of charge but requires reg­is­tra­tion.


Part 1: Pre­sen­ta­tions

  • 10:00: Intro­duc­tion by Nordic Proof w/Karoline Mok­leiv, Nordic Proof coor­di­na­tor
  • 10:05: Sun­naas Reha­bil­i­ta­tion Hos­pi­tal presents their work with­in the test­bed and the ser­vices they offer and present a recent indus­try col­lab­o­ra­tion w/Lene Mos­berg, test­bed man­ag­er and Dr. Inge­b­jørg Irgens, Unit man­ag­er, senior physi­cian, PhD.
  • 10:25: Active Life Lab intro­duces their col­lab­o­ra­tion with well­be­ing ser­vices coun­ty and lifestyle coun­sel­ing ser­vice. They will also show­case past and ongo­ing projects. w/Katja Kiukas, RDI Spe­cial­ist; Project Manager/Active Life HUB MSc., MBA.
  • 10:45: Health Cam­pus Turku presents the Fla­vo­ria test­bed and their ser­vices w/Anni Kert­tula.
  • 11:00:  Sum­ma­tion by Nordic Proof Coor­di­na­tor w/Karoline Mok­leiv

Part 2: One-to-One Meet­ings

Health and well­be­ing com­pa­nies can sched­ule 15-minute one-to-one dig­i­tal meet­ings with up to 3 Nordic Proof part­ners.

Read more about Nordic Proof and the part­ners from its net­work.

Source: Nordic Proof