Increase your chances of suc­cess in the US — Sem­i­nar Road­show, Oulu

The US is cur­rent­ly the most impor­tant trad­ing part­ner for Fin­land. This largest sin­gle mar­ket in the world, which has demon­strat­ed strong growth and resilience, pro­vides numer­ous oppor­tu­ni­ties for many Finnish com­pa­nies. Do you know what you can do to improve your chances of suc­cess in the US?  

Join the sem­i­nar to gain valu­able insights and receive prac­ti­cal advice for enter­ing and oper­at­ing in the US mar­ket.

Time: 15 Feb­ru­ary 2024, 10.45 — 13.00
Place: Tech­nop­o­lis, Amerik­ka Room, Teknolo­giantie 1, Oulu

Attend­ing this event is free of charge but requires reg­is­tra­tion.

The guest speak­er Mike Klyszeiko, Direc­tor of AmCham Finland’s Launch­pad USA, will share his views on the out­look for the US econ­o­my and why the US will become an increas­ing­ly impor­tant mar­ket for many Finnish busi­ness­es.

Bore­nius experts Ben­jamin Tuisku­la and Juha Kopo­nen will dis­cuss some of the key legal and prac­ti­cal steps that busi­ness­es should con­sid­er before enter­ing the US mar­ket.

The sem­i­nar is organ­ised by Bore­nius Attor­neys Ltd.

Source: Bore­nius