Health Tuesday: how leading Nordic hospitals work with innovation, online

In the June Health Tuesday webinar, experts from the Nordic region’s leading hospitals explain how they are working with innovation.

Join the event to explore how these top hospitals transform healthcare by embracing innovation and improving health outcomes and patient experiences. Whether you’re a healthcare professional, an innovator, or simply interested in the intersection of healthcare, innovation and technology, this webinar promises to be insightful.

Time: 4 June 2024 at 8:00-9:00 am (Finnish time)
Place: Microsoft Teams Webinar



08:00Opening words

  • Terhi Rasmussen & Nima Jokilaakso, Business Finland

08:05 Finland: HUS perspectives on innovation

  • Katariina Rouvinen, Project Manager

08:20 Sweden: Karolinska University hospital perspectives on innovation

  • Jeanette Tuval, PhD, Head of Innovation

08:35 Denmark: Rigshospitalet perspectives on innovation

  • Rune Holdt, Head of Innovation & Research

08:50 Q&A and closing words

  • Terhi Rasmussen & Nima Jokilaakso, Business Finland

Please note that the agenda is subject to changes.


Terhi Rasmussen
Global Opportunity Leader Health, Business Finland
terhi.rasmussen (at)

Jeni Särmäkari (practicalities)
Program Coordinator
jeni.sarmakari (at)


Source: Business Finland