Bay­er’s Expert Mon­days, online

Do you have dis­rup­tive sci­ence but strug­gle to bring it to life in the entre­pre­neur­ial world? Bay­er’s pas­sion is to enable and sup­port stand­out health­care inno­va­tion. Take your inno­va­tion to new heights and join Bayer´s Expert Mon­days 2024, a series of knowl­edge exchange ses­sions to super­charge your start-up’s growth.

The ses­sions will be held on select Mon­days, Feb­ru­ary — Decem­ber 2024 at 5 p.m. CET. View more infor­ma­tion on ses­sions. 

Top­ic: EU Leg­isla­tive Impact on Emerg­ing Euro­pean Inno­va­tion
Time: 11.3.2024 at 5 p.m. CET
Place: Online

Each Bay­er Expert Mon­day is ded­i­cat­ed to a spe­cif­ic top­ic, designed to empow­er you and your teams. From the future of Clin­i­cal Oper­a­tions to the recent EU Leg­isla­tive pro­pos­al or Cell & Gene top­ics around mar­ket access, reg­u­la­tions or man­u­fac­tur­ing, we’ve got you cov­ered. Gain valu­able insights on how to mas­ter the art of pitch­ing, approach VCs or demys­ti­fy Big Pharma’s Due Dili­gence or how to nav­i­gate Phar­ma-Acad­e­mia Rela­tion­ships. Get to know Bayer´s incu­ba­tion pro­grams and part­ner­ship mod­els.

Each ses­sion offers live Q&A with the respec­tive experts and each ses­sion is fol­lowed by extra time for a live Meet & Greet with Bay­er Scouts & Sci­en­tif­ic Find­ers.

The ses­sions are designed for drug devel­op­ers and health­care researchers seek­ing col­lab­o­ra­tion with big phar­ma and out-licens­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties lat­er in their jour­ney.

Source: Bay­er