8th Print­o­Cent Indus­try Sem­i­nar – PRINSE’24

Every sec­ond year, the Print­ed Intel­li­gence com­mu­ni­ty has gath­ered from all parts of the world to hear the sta­tus of the indus­try and tech­nol­o­gy, to meet friends and do busi­ness in Print­o­Cent Indus­try Sem­i­nar. Print­o­Cent now invites you to join PRINSE’24, the 8th edi­tion of the event.

Time: 24 – 25.1, 2024
Place: Oulu, Fin­land

With the theme “Print­ed Intel­li­gence is mak­ing great impact already”, the event will give par­tic­i­pants the oppor­tu­ni­ty to hear what impact the print­ed intel­li­gence solu­tions already have in the health and well­be­ing sec­tors, and more broad­ly on a soci­etal scale; what are the impacts on the green tran­si­tion to the envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly pro­duc­tion tech­nol­o­gy that uti­lizes very lit­tle ener­gy; the new biodegrad­able mate­ri­als already avail­able in the mar­ket – var­i­ous indus­tries are influ­enced by this dis­rup­tive tech­nol­o­gy swarm­ing in and chang­ing val­ue chains, and the way busi­ness is done.

Over 50 indus­tri­al com­pa­nies will present at the event. It will host around 300 par­tic­i­pants from all around the world, offer­ing a great set­ting for net­work­ing and match­mak­ing. PRINSE is the sem­i­nar in which the indus­try speaks, the start-ups share their excite­ment, and vision­ar­ies lay the ground on what the future could bring.

Along with the 2 sem­i­nar days, the event also counts with train­ing and round-table ses­sions, vis­its to the pilot fac­to­ries, lab­o­ra­to­ries, and region­al print­ed elec­tron­ics com­pa­nies, as well as a com­pa­ny exhi­bi­tion area and a researcher demon­stra­tor area to show­case the most recent inno­va­tions.

Source: Print­o­Cent