Vital­is 2024, Gothen­burg

Vital­is is the largest eHealth event in Scan­di­navia, focus­ing on dig­i­tal health, wel­fare tech­nol­o­gy and inno­va­tion. The event brings togeth­er the most impor­tant play­ers with­in the pub­lic sec­tor, acad­e­mia, pol­i­tics, and indus­try with the shared aim of build­ing their knowl­edge and improv­ing tomorrow’s health­care.

With over 6000 par­tic­i­pants, around 400 pro­gram ses­sions, and 250 exhibitors, Vital­is is an annu­al gath­er­ing for every­one who wants to con­tribute to shap­ing the future of health­care. Wel­come to join the dis­cus­sion about chal­lenges, solu­tions, and how visions become real­i­ty.

Time: 13 — 16 May 2024
Place: The Swedish Exhi­bi­tion & Con­gress Cen­tre, Gothen­burg

More infor­ma­tion and reg­is­tra­tion

Vital­is will com­mence with an Open­ing Keynote on May 13, fol­lowed by the con­fer­ence pro­gram and exhi­bi­tion on May 14–16.

Why Attend Vital­is 2024

  • Net­work with key play­ers from the pub­lic sec­tor, acad­e­mia, pol­i­tics, and indus­try.
  • Dis­cov­er cut­ting-edge solu­tions and tech­nolo­gies that will shape the future of health­care.
  • Engage in thought-pro­vok­ing dis­cus­sions that chal­lenge the sta­tus quo and dri­ve inno­va­tion.
  • Learn from a diverse range of pro­gram ses­sions tai­lored to offer insights into the lat­est trends and research.

If you are a Health & Life Sci­ence com­pa­ny from the Oulu region and you are inter­est­ed in par­tic­i­pat­ing in Vital­is 2024, we are hap­py to offer you 20% off the con­fer­ence tick­et. Con­tact Joan­na Sep­pä­nen ( for more infor­ma­tion. 

Vital­is is more than just a con­fer­ence; it’s a plat­form for change-mak­ers who are pas­sion­ate about improv­ing health­care for tomor­row. Whether you’re look­ing to stay ahead of the curve in eHealth or eager to con­tribute to mean­ing­ful advance­ments, Vital­is 2024 is the place to be.

Source: Vital­is