Trends and oppor­tu­ni­ties for Finnish com­pa­nies in the Dutch health tech mar­ket, online

Busi­ness Fin­land and SkipRed are organ­is­ing a webi­nar on trends and oppor­tu­ni­ties in the Dutch health tech mar­ket for Finnish com­pa­nies.

Time: 30 Octo­ber 2024 at 14:00–15:00 (Finnish time)

Place: Microsoft Teams Webi­nar


The Nether­lands, with 18 mil­lion inhab­i­tants, is a com­pact, cul­tur­al­ly close mar­ket, 3,5 times the size of Fin­land. Reform­ing and dig­i­tal­iz­ing one of the costli­est health­care sys­tems in Europe is a top pri­or­i­ty for the Dutch gov­ern­ment. Sav­ings are being sought par­tic­u­lar­ly in hos­pi­tal care, which accounts for 37,5% of total health­care expen­di­ture, and in long-term care of the aging pop­u­la­tions. As the Dutch gov­ern­ment pro­vides fund­ing for local health­care providers to imple­ment health tech­nol­o­gy, there are great oppor­tu­ni­ties for Finnish Health tech providers. 

Why the Nether­lands?

  • Esti­mat­ed mar­ket med­ical tech mar­ket size 4,93 bil­lion euro (2023)
  • Invest­ment in health tech inno­va­tion 400 mil­lion euro (pub­lic and pri­vate), new sub­sidy avail­able of over 100 mil­lion euro for just health tech
  • 7 uni­ver­si­ty hos­pi­tals, 27 top-clin­i­cal hos­pi­tals and 44 gen­er­al hos­pi­tals in 86 loca­tions.
  • Over 400 spe­cial­ized clin­ics
  • The Nether­lands health tech out­look, a syn­op­sis of the mar­ket report on the Nether­lands (01/2024)
  • Mar­ket size
  • Key mar­ket dri­vers
  • Oppor­tu­ni­ties for Finnish com­pa­nies
  • Route to mar­ket, access to mar­ket
  • Q&A

This event is aimed at Fin­land-based com­pa­nies spe­cial­iz­ing in:

  • Remote mon­i­tor­ing
  • Assis­tive and age-tech solu­tions
  • AI & machine learn­ing
  • Enhanced surgery and robot­ic surgery
  • 3‑D print­ing
  • PoC diag­nos­tics
  • Clin­i­cal data ana­lyt­ics
  • Patient mon­i­tor­ing
  • mHealth
  • Men­tal health solu­tions

Read more about the oppor­tu­ni­ty.

Con­tact per­sons

Aino Suvan­to
Advi­sor, Trade & Eco­nom­ic Affairs
Embassy of Fin­land in the Nether­lands
aino.suvanto (at)

Ter­hi Ras­mussen
Glob­al Oppor­tu­ni­ty Leader Health, Busi­ness Fin­land
terhi.rasmussen (at)

Jeni Sär­mäkari
Pro­gram Coor­di­na­tor
jeni.sarmakari (at)

Source: Busi­ness Fin­land