The third New Nordic Healthtech del­e­ga­tion to Tokyo

Meet key Life Sci­ence stake­hold­ers, investors, and phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal com­pa­nies in Japan. The 5‑day pro­gram of a del­e­ga­tion vis­it includes sev­er­al pitch­ing and net­work­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties, onsite vis­its to hos­pi­tals and research facil­i­ties, and par­tic­i­pa­tion in the Nordic Health Sum­mit.

Time: 22 — 26 APRIL 2024
Place: Tokyo, Japan
Sign up by 22 March 2024

The pro­gram

About Tokyo Healthtech 2024

The Nordic Asian Ven­ture Alliance is the only out­fit that con­nects the entire New Nordic tech ecosys­tem with Asia. NAVA is non-prof­it, non-gov­ern­ment, and deeply embed­ded in the Nordic-Baltic start­up ecosys­tem.  Nordic Inno­va­tion House Tokyo has built a strong and unique net­work in Japan and helps the Nordic start­up com­mu­ni­ty nav­i­gate the local land­scape and con­nect with the right ecosys­tem stake­hold­ers.

Why us?

Expe­ri­ence —  NAVA has con­nect­ed more New Nordic star­tups to Japan in the last two years than any­one else.  Since  Octo­ber  2022  they have orga­nized four start­up del­e­ga­tions with­in three ver­ti­cals, with 46 com­pa­nies join­ing. This will be the third Healthtech del­e­ga­tion, build­ing on sol­id expe­ri­ence.

Net­work — NIHT has devel­oped an exten­sive net­work of Life Sci­ence stake­hold­ers in Japan, and lever­ages the col­lec­tive out­reach of all five Nordic embassies.

New Nordic - Enter­ing Japan is a huge advan­tage, mak­ing it pos­si­ble to source the strongest and most rel­e­vant star­tups in Japan and ensure a crit­i­cal mass of com­pa­nies to attract the most inter­est­ing Japan­ese stake­hold­ers.

What do you get?

  • Match­mak­ing and pitch­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties with high-lev­el Japan­ese Life Sci­ence
  • Access to stake­hold­ers, poten­tial clients, cus­tomers, and investors
  • Free access to the Nordic Health Sum­mit
  • Onsite vis­its to hos­pi­tals, research facil­i­ties, and sci­ence parks in Tokyo
  • Net­work­ing with oth­er Nordic healthtech founders and phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal cor­po­ra­tions
  • Online com­pa­ny pro­file on the NAVA plat­form in Eng­lish and Japan­ese
  • First-hand insights into the Japan­ese health­care mar­ket & med­ical approval process
  • Pre-trip prepa­ra­tion for pre­sent­ing and pitch­ing in a Japan­ese con­text

Del­e­ga­tion fee (ex. VAT)

Star­tups:: EUR 1,500
Scale­ups: EUR 3,000

What is cov­ered?

All plan­ning and orga­ni­za­tion­al costs relat­ed to the del­e­ga­tion, free access to the Nordic Health Sum­mit (nor­mal­ly EUR 355 for on-site par­tic­i­pa­tion), select­ed social events, and lunch dur­ing work­shops

Please note that hotel and flight costs are not includ­ed.

Con­tact per­sons

Peter Johansen: +45 2987 8887,
Le Chang:  +46 72 447 3692,
Niklas Kar­vo­nen: +81 80 8908 4814,