Print­o­Cent InnoFest, Oulu

Print­o­Cent InnoFest is an open inno­va­tion event that has been the launch­ing are­na for numer­ous inno­va­tions and star­tups since 2014. It’s where 15 teams, select­ed from a pool of appli­cants, come togeth­er to push the bound­aries of Print­ed Intel­li­gence. The event is designed for everyone—from those curi­ous about the field to those with a ground­break­ing idea ready for devel­op­ment.

Time: 12.–13.9.2024
Place: Oulu, Fin­land

Send your appli­ca­tion by the end of May.

The two-day event kicks off with a net­work­ing break­fast, fol­lowed by inspi­ra­tional talks from indus­try lead­ers. Par­tic­i­pants will then dive into intense team­work ses­sions, cul­ti­vat­ing their ideas with sup­port from world-class tech­ni­cal experts.

The first day con­cludes with a relax­ing sauna ses­sion at the Nal­likari Restau­rant, allow­ing par­tic­i­pants to unwind and net­work in a unique­ly Finnish way. The sec­ond day is all about refine­ment and com­pe­ti­tion. Teams will present upgrad­ed pitch­es, and the top five final­ists will bat­tle it out for the cov­et­ed awards, includ­ing the ‘Imme­di­ate Com­mer­cial Poten­tial’ and the ‘Wildest Idea’ awards.

Why attend?

Print­o­Cent InnoFest is more than a com­pe­ti­tion; it’s a gate­way to the future of tech­nol­o­gy. Atten­dees can:

  • Engage with experts and indus­try lead­ers.
  • Wit­ness the lat­est advance­ments in Print­ed Intel­li­gence.
  • Net­work with poten­tial col­lab­o­ra­tors and investors.

Send your appli­ca­tion and be one of the 15 teams / 15 inno­va­tions cho­sen for the com­pe­ti­tion! Remem­ber that you can always par­tic­i­pate as an expert.

About Print­o­Cent

Print­o­Cent, nes­tled in the inno­v­a­tive hub of Oulu, Fin­land, stands as a bea­con of print­ed intel­li­gence exper­tise. With a robust com­mu­ni­ty of 500 spe­cial­ists span­ning both cor­po­rate and aca­d­e­m­ic spheres with­in the Oulu region, Print­o­Cent is at the fore­front of pio­neer­ing advance­ments in the field. The organization’s influ­ence extends far beyond local bor­ders, boast­ing over 40 inter­na­tion­al indus­try mem­bers and a mul­ti­tude of part­ners that com­prise the dynam­ic Print­o­Cent Clus­ter.

Source: Print­o­Cent