polar Bear Pitch­ing 2025, oulu

Polar Bear Pitch­ing is the coolest start­up event in the whole world! At Polar Bear Pitch­ing, we empow­er star­tups to show­case their resilience and com­mit­ment by pitch­ing from an uncon­ven­tion­al stage — AVAN­TO (Finnish for “ice-hole”). By blend­ing start­up life with this tra­di­tion, we’ve cre­at­ed a one-of-a-kind envi­ron­ment where deals and con­nec­tions flour­ish in an infor­mal and fun set­ting. Join us to cel­e­brate inno­va­tion in an unfor­get­table way. 

Time: 27 Feb­ru­ary 2025

Place: Oulu, Fin­land

Read more about Polar Bear Pitch­ing at www.polarbearpitching.com

📢 Apply to Pitch in Avan­to Now!

Are you an ear­ly-stage start­up look­ing for an extra­or­di­nary oppor­tu­ni­ty? Now is your chance to dive into the Avan­to — gain glob­al expo­sure, enjoy mean­ing­ful net­work­ing and com­pete for a thrilling prize! 🤩🚀

Read about our cri­te­ria and apply before 6 Decem­ber: https://polarbearpitching.com/pitching-in-avanto/

Tick­ets are now avail­able, but the pro­gram remains a mys­tery for now! We’ll reveal the pro­gram over the next two months but don’t miss your chance to secure your tick­ets at a dis­count­ed rate.

Secure Your Spot — Ear­ly Bear Tick­ets.