OYS­TER Incu­ba­tor Deal Day

OYS­TER Pre- Incu­ba­tor Pro­gram Grad­u­a­tion Day is here!

After 100 days of hard work and inno­va­tion, teams are ready to present the incred­i­ble ideas they have been devel­op­ing.

This is an excel­lent oppor­tu­ni­ty to engage with vision­ary entre­pre­neurs, explore poten­tial invest­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties, and net­work with start­up enthu­si­as­tic in an infor­mal and wel­com­ing set­ting.


14:00 – Wel­come & Open­ing Remarks

14:10 – Start­up Pitch­es

15:15 – Award Cer­e­mo­ny

15:30 – Net­work­ing with Snacks & Glö­gi

Place: OYS­TER Incu­ba­tor, Kivi­har­jun­lenk­ki 1B

Time: 11.12.2024 klo 14:00–16:00

You are warm­ly wel­come!

Con­tact per­son: Min­na Komu, minna.komu@businessoulu.com