Mid­night Shine — star­tups meet investors, Oulu

As win­ter gives way to spring, it’s that time of year again! Mid­night Shine is a sum­mer evening event where star­tups and investors meet.

Mid­night Shine offers a relax­ing get-togeth­er, valu­able dis­cus­sions, and deli­cious food in the sur­round­ings of peace­ful mök­ki-like nature. Dur­ing this year’s event, Keto­mo will share their sto­ry and delec­table ice cream.

Date and Time: 12.6.2024, 17.15 Busi­nes­sAs­e­ma / 18.00 Maikku­lan Kar­tano
Event venue: Maikku­lan Kar­tano, Maikku­lan­rinne 21, 90240 Oulu



17.15 Gath­er­ing in front of Busi­nes­sAs­e­ma (Hal­li­tuskatu 36) *

17.30 Bus ride to Maikku­lan Kar­tano

18.00 Wel­come words by Busi­nes­sOulu and Cock­tail Food

18:45 Com­pa­ny Sto­ry and Ice cream Tast­ing by Keto­mo

19:30 Reverse Pitch­ing from Investors

20:00 Investor Speed Dat­ing

23:00 Bus ride back to the city cen­ter

*You can meet us in front of Busi­nes­sAs­e­ma and join the bus ride to Maikku­lan Kar­tano. Alter­na­tive­ly, you can come direct­ly to Maikku­lan Kar­tano at 6 pm.

Please remem­ber that reg­is­tra­tion is bind­ing, and the num­ber of places is lim­it­ed. If you reg­is­ter and can­not attend the event, kind­ly can­cel your reg­is­tra­tion no lat­er than 5th June. You can do it either through Lyyti or by send­ing an email to Lau­ra Mer­iläi­nen: laura.meriläinen@businessoulu.com or Sari Kaup­pi­la: sari.kauppila@businessoulu.com.

This event is organ­ised by Busi­nes­sOulu.

Con­tact per­sons

Lau­ra Mer­iläi­nen
Start­up and Investor Rela­tions Man­ag­er
+358 40 573 1511

Sari Kaup­pi­la
Asiantun­ti­ja, yri­tysy­hteistyö
+358 44 703 8301