Indus­try Meet­ing – How to test your devices and med­ical prod­ucts?, online

Join us at the next Nordic Proof Dig­i­tal Event to learn how to test your devices and med­ical prod­ucts and meet the Nordic Proof part­ners at one-to-one meet­ings.

Are you a com­pa­ny in the devel­op­ment stage and inter­est­ed in learn­ing more about how to test your device or med­ical prod­uct? Learn more about the var­i­ous test pos­si­bil­i­ties and from 3 renown Nordic Proof part­ners, Vestre Viken Hos­pi­tal Trust, Nor­we­gian Smart Care Lab and Oulu Health Labs.

There will also be time for one-to-one meet­ings with up to 3 Nordic Proof part­ners. Dead­line for book­ing meet­ings: 14 Octo­ber 2024. 

Time: 18 Octo­ber 2024, 11:00 AM — 1:00 PM

Place: Online

Reg­is­tra­tion and par­tic­i­pa­tion are free of charge.

Part 1: Pre­sen­ta­tions

10:00 – 10:05: Intro­duc­tion by Nordic Proof

10:05 – 10:25: Vestre Viken Hos­pi­tal Trust – pre­sen­ta­tion on dif­fer­ent ways to test your devices/medical prod­ucts.

This pre­sen­ta­tion will fea­ture some com­pa­ny cas­es (TBC), w/ Sil­je Sol­heim Johnsen, Spe­cial Advi­sor Inno­va­tion

10:25 – 10:45: The Nor­we­gian Smart Care Lab – pre­sen­ta­tion on how to test soft­ware as a med­ical device with focus on usabil­i­ty test­ing w/ Mar­it Hage­land, Man­ag­er of the Nor­we­gian Smart Care Lab

10:45 – 11:00: Oulu Health Labs – pre­sen­ta­tion on test­ing and co-cre­ation of medtech inno­va­tions, w/ Timo Alalääkkölä, Devel­op­ment Man­ag­er, Head of Test­ing and Inno­va­tions

11:00 Sum­ma­tion by Nordic Proof

Part 2: One-to-One Meet­ings

11:00 – 12:00

Health com­pa­nies can sched­ule 15-minute one-to-one dig­i­tal meet­ings with up to 3 Nordic Proof part­ners.

Source: Nordic Proof