Increase your chances of success in the US — Seminar Roadshow, Oulu

The US is currently the most important trading partner for Finland. This largest single market in the world, which has demonstrated strong growth and resilience, provides numerous opportunities for many Finnish companies. Do you know what you can do to improve your chances of success in the US?
Join the seminar to gain valuable insights and receive practical advice for entering and operating in the US market.
Time: 15 February 2024, 10.45 — 13.00
Place: Technopolis, Amerikka Room, Teknologiantie 1, Oulu
Attending this event is free of charge but requires registration.
The guest speaker Mike Klyszeiko, Director of AmCham Finland’s Launchpad USA, will share his views on the outlook for the US economy and why the US will become an increasingly important market for many Finnish businesses.
Borenius experts Benjamin Tuiskula and Juha Koponen will discuss some of the key legal and practical steps that businesses should consider before entering the US market.
The seminar is organised by Borenius Attorneys Ltd.
Source: Borenius