Health Busi­ness Break­fast – Nordic mar­ket entry series: Nor­way, Oulu

Wel­come to the next Health Busi­ness Break­fast net­work­ing event for health and life sci­ence com­pa­nies from the Oulu region. This time you will hear about oppor­tu­ni­ties relat­ed to busi­ness expan­sion to the Nor­we­gian mar­ket. Find out about oth­er com­pa­nies’ mar­ket entry strate­gies, learn from their first-hand expe­ri­ences, and choose your path to suc­cess­ful busi­ness expan­sion.

Dur­ing the event, you will hear about dif­fer­ent approach­es and ways to access the Nor­we­gian mar­ket. You will also learn about Busi­ness Fin­land and BusinessOulu’s busi­ness-relat­ed ser­vices avail­able to Health and Life Sci­ence com­pa­nies inter­est­ed in growth and inter­na­tion­al­iza­tion.

Time: 17 April 2024, 8:00 – 10:00
Place: Start­Up Sta­tion, Hal­li­tuskatu 36A, Oulu


8.15    Break­fast is served

8.30 – 8.35 Open­ing note / Busi­nes­sOulu

8.35 – 8:45 BusinessOulu’s sup­port in mar­ket expan­sion, Maja Tern­ing / Busi­nes­sOulu

8:45 – 8:55 Export Boost­er – project towards Nor­we­gian hos­pi­tals, Jouni Hyrkäs / Busi­ness Fin­land

8:55 – 9:10 Com­pa­ny case 1

Doing busi­ness in Nor­way, Juha-Mat­ti Ranta / Medanets

9:10 – 9:25 Com­pa­ny case 2

First steps in the Nor­we­gian mar­ket, Marko Kaila­suo / Kail­amed

9:25 – 10:00 Net­work­ing

Join us at Start­up Sta­tion and meet oth­er inno­v­a­tive Health & Life Sci­ence com­pa­nies from Oulu. Start your day by get­ting inspired by new ideas and a dis­cus­sion that may lead to estab­lish­ing new busi­ness con­tacts.

Con­tact per­sons

Hei­di Tikan­mä­ki

Key Account Direc­tor, Health and Life Sci­ence, Busi­nes­sOulu

Joan­na Sep­pä­nen (prac­ti­cal­i­ties)

Coor­di­na­tor, Health and Life Sci­ence, Busi­nes­sOulu