Health Busi­ness Break­fast: Japan mar­ket entry from Kana­gawa, Oulu

Wel­come to our next Health Busi­ness Break­fast for Health and Life Sci­ence com­pa­nies from the Oulu region. The event is a per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty to net­work with local entre­pre­neurs, exchange ideas, and enjoy the spir­it of inno­va­tion. The top­ics and pro­grams of Health Busi­ness Break­fasts are adjust­ed to com­pa­nies’ needs and expec­ta­tions.

This time, you will hear from Kana­gawa pre­fec­ture, which is Oulu’s friend­ship city, about oppor­tu­ni­ties relat­ed to enter­ing the Japan­ese mar­ket. Learn about the attrac­tive­ness of Kana­gawa in the life sci­ence indus­try as a local plat­form, busi­ness sup­port ser­vices pro­vid­ed by pub­lic and pri­vate enti­ties, and the “Invest in Kana­gawa” case from Ger­many to find out your path to a suc­cess­ful busi­ness entry to Japan through Kana­gawa. Dur­ing the event, you will also hear about future del­e­ga­tion plans and event oppor­tu­ni­ties in Japan and Asia for Health and Life Sci­ence com­pa­nies from the Oulu region that are inter­est­ed in growth and inter­na­tion­al­iza­tion.

Time: 28 Novem­ber 2024, 8:00 – 10:00

Place: Tech­nop­o­lis Ydinkeskus­ta, Falun- con­fer­ence room, Sepänkatu 20, Oulu


(NOTE) This event is held at onsite, but all the speak­ers from Kana­gawa will par­tic­i­pate online.


8:00    Break­fast is served

8.30 – 8.35 Open­ing note / Busi­nes­sOulu

8:35 – 8:45 Intro­duc­tion of Kana­gawa “Pre­sen­ta­tion title (TBD)” / Kana­gawa Pre­fec­tur­al Gov­ern­ment

8:45 – 8:55 Intro­duc­tion of JETRO “Pre­sen­ta­tion title (TBD)” / JETRO Yoko­hama

8:55 – 9:10 Com­pa­ny pre­sen­ta­tion (Invest in Kana­gawa case)

Intro­duc­tion of THE FORCE CT GmbH and their expe­ri­ence, “Pre­sen­ta­tion title (TBD)” / THE FORCE CT GmbH from Ger­many

9:10 – 9:25 Ques­tions and answers

9.25 – 9:30 Future del­e­ga­tion plans and event oppor­tu­ni­ties in Japan and Asia, Takako Uchi­da, Senior Advi­sor, Japan / Busi­nes­sOulu

9:30 Group pic­ture (pre­sen­ters and par­tic­i­pants), then all pre­sen­ters leave 

9:35–10:00 Net­work­ing among onsite par­tic­i­pants

Join us at Tech­nop­o­lis Ydinkeskus­ta and meet oth­er inno­v­a­tive Health & Life Sci­ence com­pa­nies from Oulu. Start your day by get­ting inspired by new ideas and a dis­cus­sion that may lead to estab­lish­ing new busi­ness con­tacts.

About Kana­gawa?

Kana­gawa, locat­ed south of Tokyo, has a pop­u­la­tion of 9.2 mil­lion.

We are pro­mot­ing the Health­care New Fron­tier pol­i­cy which com­bines the ME-BYO con­cept with advanced tech­nolo­gies such as regen­er­a­tive  med­i­cine, robot­ics and AI. 

Oulu and Kana­gawa have signed Life­science MoU since 2014.

About JETRO?

JETRO, or the Japan Exter­nal Trade Orga­ni­za­tion, is a gov­ern­ment-relat­ed orga­ni­za­tion that works to pro­mote mutu­al trade and invest­ment between Japan and the rest of the world.  

Con­tact per­sons

Hei­di Tikan­mä­ki

Key Account Direc­tor, Health and Life Sci­ence, Busi­nes­sOulu    

Joan­na Sep­pä­nen (prac­ti­cal­i­ties)

Coor­di­na­tor, Health and Life Sci­ence, Busi­nes­sOulu

Takako Uchi­da (about Japan and Kana­gawa)

Senior Coor­di­na­tor, Inter­na­tion­al Affairs, Japan, Busi­nes­sOulu