Beyond Cap­i­tal: Redefin­ing Start­up Suc­cess ‑Oulu’s Slush side event, Helsin­ki

Oulu, the sec­ond fastest-grow­ing start­up ecosys­tem in Fin­land, invites you to an exclu­sive evening ded­i­cat­ed to explor­ing the start­up life beyond the cap­i­tal!

Time: SLUSH Day 0, 19 Novem­ber 2024, 19:00 — 21:00

Place: Epi­cen­ter, Rev­e­la­tion space, Mikonkatu 9, Helsin­ki


This event is organ­ised by Busi­nes­sOulu.

Join us as we deep dive into the “Beyond Cap­i­tal” con­cept from mul­ti­ple per­spec­tives: Beyond Geo­graph­ic Cap­i­tal and how star­tups in non-cap­i­tal regions can lever­age local strengths; Beyond Finan­cial Cap­i­tal and the crit­i­cal role of strate­gic invest­ment sup­port; Beyond Cap­i­tal Gains and the grow­ing impor­tance of impact invest­ments. 

Hear from indus­try experts and investors while meet­ing our North­ern Stars — the vision­ary star­tups from Oulu at the fore­front of glob­al indus­tries like HealthTech, Clean­Tech, and ICT.

Pro­gram high­lights:

19:00 — Open Doors with cock­tails and fin­ger foods

19:15 — Stage pro­gram “Beyond Cap­i­tal”

  • Keynote by VNTRS “More Than Mon­ey: How Investors Add Real Val­ue to Star­tups”
  • More pan­els or keynotes TBC

20:15 — Meet Oulu Start­up Ecosys­tem: Intro­duc­tion of Oulu star­tups and net­work­ing

About Oulu:

One of the lead­ing start­up ecosys­tems in Fin­land, Oulu is the birth­place of indus­try giants like Oura, Polar, and Fin­ger­soft. With over 50 years of exper­tise in wire­less tech­nol­o­gy, Oulu is at the fore­front of ground­break­ing solu­tions in health, life sci­ences, clean­tech, and indus­try inno­va­tion. Learn more at: