8th PrintoCent Industry Seminar – PRINSE’24

Every second year, the Printed Intelligence community has gathered from all parts of the world to hear the status of the industry and technology, to meet friends and do business in PrintoCent Industry Seminar. PrintoCent now invites you to join PRINSE’24, the 8th edition of the event.
Time: 24 – 25.1, 2024
Place: Oulu, Finland
With the theme “Printed Intelligence is making great impact already”, the event will give participants the opportunity to hear what impact the printed intelligence solutions already have in the health and wellbeing sectors, and more broadly on a societal scale; what are the impacts on the green transition to the environmentally friendly production technology that utilizes very little energy; the new biodegradable materials already available in the market – various industries are influenced by this disruptive technology swarming in and changing value chains, and the way business is done.
Over 50 industrial companies will present at the event. It will host around 300 participants from all around the world, offering a great setting for networking and matchmaking. PRINSE is the seminar in which the industry speaks, the start-ups share their excitement, and visionaries lay the ground on what the future could bring.
Along with the 2 seminar days, the event also counts with training and round-table sessions, visits to the pilot factories, laboratories, and regional printed electronics companies, as well as a company exhibition area and a researcher demonstrator area to showcase the most recent innovations.
Source: PrintoCent