HealthTech Investor Sum­mit is the first event to wel­come all dif­fer­ent tech­nolo­gies with the poten­tial to improve health. It’s about the aim, not the type of tech – the goal is to pro­mote gen­uine­ly nov­el approach­es dra­mat­i­cal­ly improv­ing the lives of patients and health­care providers. The event con­nects Euro­pean healthtech entre­pre­neurs with the investors, clus­ters, and men­tors they need to suc­ceed in devel­op­ing their inno­va­tions.

Time: 9 — 11 Decem­ber 2024

Place: Bruges Meet­ing & Con­ven­tion Cen­tre, Bruges, Bel­gium

HealthTech Investor Sum­mit pro­vides a plat­form for show­cas­ing Europe’s finest healthtech inno­va­tions, where com­pa­nies can find the fund­ing and expert advice they need to grow their ideas into mar­ket-ready prod­ucts and make a real dif­fer­ence to peo­ple world­wide. By join­ing forces with peo­ple look­ing for more than prof­it, the sum­mit is an essen­tial event for healthtech entre­pre­neurs, investors, and clus­ters want­i­ng to con­nect with oth­ers work­ing to strength­en Europe’s health inno­va­tion and achieve real patient impact.

Why attend?

📍 Pitch your idea to top healthtech investors from Europe and beyond

📍 Con­nect with Europe’s healthtech inno­va­tions

📍 Learn from indus­try lead­ers and experts, and gain insights on the lat­est indus­try trends

📍 Net­work with entre­pre­neurs, men­tors and clus­ters

📍 Trans­form the future of health with tech by join­ing forces with oth­ers look­ing to change the sys­tem

Read more infor­ma­tion and secure your sport among the best healthtech inno­va­tors!

We are join­ing the event as one of the Knowl­edge Part­ners with a few Health and Life Sci­ence com­pa­nies from the Oulu region that have secured a pitch. Con­tact our team for more infor­ma­tion if you are inter­est­ed in explor­ing the event.

This event is organ­ised by the health clus­ter MED­VIA with the sup­port of Spon­sors and Knowl­edge Part­ners from around Europe. 

Source: MED­VIA