Dolomi­ti Ener­gia Bas­ket­ball Acad­e­my adopts the Qri­di Sport app

The Qri­di Sport app, suc­cess­ful­ly used in var­i­ous sports sec­tors, now sup­ports the Acad­e­my’s Aquila Pro train­ing path­way to improve the aware­ness and respon­si­bil­i­ty of young sports­men and women.

With Qri­di, young ath­letes can access a per­son­al­ized and struc­tured train­ing plan. Not only do they find their phys­i­cal and bas­ket­ball sched­ules, but also self-assess­ment tests and explain­er videos, which are use­ful tools for mon­i­tor­ing their progress. The app is designed to cre­ate an ongo­ing dia­logue between coach and play­er: kids can post com­ments, share their views, and, most impor­tant­ly, ask their coach­es ques­tions that will stim­u­late their per­son­al and sport­ing growth. The plat­form offers an inno­v­a­tive expe­ri­ence that enhances and makes each ath­lete a pro­tag­o­nist who thus feels more involved and pre­pared. With tools like Qri­di, Dolomi­ti Ener­gia Bas­ket­ball Acad­e­my con­tin­ues to invest in the inte­gral growth of its ath­letes, con­vinced that aware­ness and auton­o­my are the impor­tant pil­lars for build­ing future play­ers.

Read more about the bas­ket­ball academy’s activ­i­ties.

About Qri­di

Qri­di is a Finnish com­pa­ny that pro­vides dig­i­tal solu­tions to enhance learn­ing and per­son­al devel­op­ment. Qridi’s solu­tions are wide­ly used across sports and edu­ca­tion in more than ten coun­tries. With Qri­di, learn­ing orga­ni­za­tions can build a learn­er-cen­tered cul­ture in a mod­ern way.

Source: Qri­di